Best Stretching Exercises for Healthier Flexibility | 3SRB


Over 50% of all people suffer often or regularly from the painful consequences of muscular tension.

Nerve impulses that should normally travel swiftly through the body become blocked due to repressed emotions and stress. This builds up static electricity in the muscular tissue through which these nerves reside. These simple exercises, done a few minutes every day, can relieve this muscular tension.

Exercise 1

Focus Area:
  • Palms to Shoulders. Feel the pain in that area.
  • Sit on the floor with legs crossed. Firmly open both your palms and create tension in the fists of both hands. Maintain for 15 seconds and then release. Do this three times.
  • Finger Joints, Arthritis.
  • Pain near elbows, shoulders, biceps.

Exercise 2

Focus Area:
  • Palms to Shoulders. Feel the pain in that area.
  • Sit and stretch both hands sideways. Keep shoulders, elbows, and fingers straight. Hands must be parallel to the floor. Push both hands outside, then tense them. Maintain for 15 seconds, then release. Do this three times.
  • Frozen Shoulder.
  • Tennis Elbow, Wrist Problems.

Exercise 3

Focus Area:
  • Back, Legs, Heel, Toes.
  • Sit first, stretch your right leg straight, and then fold your left leg. Hold the leg from the lower part of the knee and lift the leg. Keep the leg straight and tight, toes towards yourself. Hold for 15 seconds and then release. Do this three times.
  • Rheumatism, Knee Pains, Sciatica.

Exercise 4

Focus Area:
  • Chest.
  • Sit and take deep breaths with both palms on the chest, then hold a breath, stretch your chest out, make it like a rock. Maintain for 15 seconds and then release. Do this three times.
  • Asthma, Bronchitis.
  • Cough and Cold, Congestions, Heart Problems.

Exercise 5

Focus Area:
  • Abdomen.
  • Sit, keeping both palms on the stomach. First breathe in, then breathe out and pull your stomach inside with the help of your hands. Empty out the lungs completely and keep pulling the stomach inward. Now hold your breath. Hold it for 15 seconds and then release. Do this three times.
  • Digestive Problems, Liver Problems.
  • Acidity, Kidneys.

Exercise 6

Focus Area:
  • Back and Abdomen Muscles
  • Stand up, keeping legs apart, and breathe in, raising both hands straight above the head. At the same time, stretch your body up onto your toes. Stretch your whole body until you’re standing on the toes. Hold the breath and balance the body. Maintain for 15 seconds and then release. Do this three times.
  • Spine.
  • Improves Circulation.
  • Whole Body is Stretched.